Vabilo na mednarodno konferenco z naslovom “Recent developments in Business and Human Rights ”
»Recent developments in Business and Human Rights«
Vljudno vas vabimo na konferenco z naslovom “Recent developments in Business and Human Rights”, ki bo potekala 27. septembra v okviru raziskovalnega projekta dr. Jerneja Letnarja Černiča “Holistični pristop k spoštovanju človekovih pravic v gospodarstvu: normativna reforma slovenskega in mednarodnega pravnega reda” (
Konferenca bo potekala na sledeči način:
– V živo (na naslovu Mestni trg 23, Ljubljana; predavalnica Jožeta Pučnika) ob izpolnjevanju pogoja PCT in predhodni prijavi (število mest za udeležbo je omejeno). Prijave zbiramo do nedelje, 26. 9. 2021, na e-naslov:
– Preko spletne aplikacije Zoom (povezavo Zoom prijavljenim kandidatom pošljemo naknadno) in na FB strani.
We kindly invite you to the conference “Recent developments in Business and Human Rights”, which will take place on September 27 as part of the research project of dr. Jernej Letnar Černič “Holistic approach to respect of human rights in the economy: normative reform of the Slovenian and international legal order” (
The conference will be held as follows:
– Live (at the address Mestni trg 23, Ljubljana; lecture hall of Jože Pučnik) upon fulfillment of the PCT condition and prior registration (the number of places for participation is limited). We are collecting applications until Sunday, September 26, 2021, to the e-mail address:
– Via Zoom application (the Zoom link will be sent to the registered candidates later) and on the FB page.
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