Library of the European Faculty of Law
In 2010, the European Faculty of Law started setting up its own library, which temporarily operated within the France Bevk Public Library in Nova Gorica. At that time, in accordance with the Agreement on Mutual Cooperation in the Establishment of the Faculty and the Study of Law in Nova Gorica, the Faculty obtained funds from the local community for the purchase of literature for undergraduate and postgraduate studies. In accordance with the relevant lists of planned literature of individual lecturers, the Faculty ordered literature through the Public Library. Since 2010, the library has been a full member of the system and has participated in the national interlibrary loan system to provide members with access to materials from other library collections.
In 2012, the Faculty moved to new premises in the Eda Centre, where library activities also took place. For the needs of students, the academic community of the university and the wider scientific research community in the field of law and related disciplines, the library provided access to more than 4,000 printed works, international and Slovenian databases and resources.
In January 2015, the library moved to Ljubljana, to the premises on the ground floor at Cankarjevo nabrežje 11, at approximately 60 m2. Users were provided with several reading places and two computers with internet access.
In 2017, the library was part of the library information system of the New University. In December 2017, the library of the European Faculty of Law merged with the library of the Faculty of Government and European Studies and renamed the University Library of the New University, which provides library and information activities and optimal conditions for study and research for all members of the New University.
Faculty of Government and European Studies
The library of the Faculty of Postgraduate Government and European Studies started operating after the adoption of the decision of the Administrative Board at its regular session in Brdo by Kranj, on April 15, 2003. Until 2017, the library operated in Brdo by Kranj, in the Orangery building. There were 6 reading places and two computers with internet access.
The library performed library activities for the needs of the pedagogical and research work of the faculty. It was intended for students, higher education teachers, higher education associates, researchers and external collaborators.
The library had the following tasks:
- to acquire, process, store and provide library materials for study and professional work in the field of education and research, which was carried out at the faculty;
- to acquire, provide and offer access to bibliographic and other information products and services necessary for the work of higher education teachers, higher education associates and school researchers;
- to introduce students to the search for information and library materials necessary for the study process;
- to participate in coordinating the procurement of materials;
- to carry out interlibrary exchange of material with other libraries;
- to perform other work defined in the Librarianship Act and the Rules of Procedure of the library of the Faculty of Government and European Studies.
Since 2017, the library has been part of the University Library of the New University. In December 2017, the library was moved to Cankarjevo nabrežje 11, 1000 Ljubljana.
The University Library of the New University
The establishment of the University Library of the New University (UKNU) and entry in the library register according to the valid Rules on the Libraries Register was realized on June 19, 2017, with a letter from the National and University Library no. 6120-31 / 2017, by which the Library Development Centre assigned the following logogram/ registration number to UKNU: SI51018.
The University Library of the New University has acquired the acronym UKNU in the COBISS3 system, to which all further data on the library’s operation in the system will be linked (i.e. user names of employees, cataloguers, databases, stock, cash register, interlibrary loan, etc.). The following official data for UKNU were reported within COLIB.SI, where data on Slovenian libraries are collected:
Name of institution: the University Library of the New University
Acronym: UKNU
Address: Mestni trg 23, 1000 Ljubljana
Tel: 01 251 44 85
Logogram/registration number: 51018, ISIL: SI-51018
Type of the library: Higher education non-independent library
Libraries: 3 (central unit and 2 dislocated units – Nova Gorica and Kranj)
On September 26, 2017, the New University concluded the Agreement on Cooperation and Full Membership of UKNU in the COBISS.SI system with the Institute of Information Sciences in Maribor. Based on the contract, UKNU started the conversion of the COBISS catalogue databases (Libraries of the European Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Government and European Studies) into the joint UKNU database, which came to life in May 2018.