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- Senate
The senate shall be the academic and professional body of the University. The number of the members of the Senate shall ensure equal representation of all scientific and artistic disciplines and fields of the University. The University Senate shall have not fewer than 20 members.
The rector is a member of the Senate ex officio.
The University Student Council shall elect as many representatives of students so that they represent at least one fifth of the members.
The University senate shall:
1. create strategy of the University development and propose the founder to adopt certain measures, aimed at the achievement of the strategy,
2. deliver opinion to the annual work plan and University development plan,
3. approve the call for enrolment to study programmes,
4. determine conditions for creating programmes in higher education,
5. approve the single information library plan of the University,
6. adopt study programmes and interdisciplinary programmes on the proposal by the senates of the members,
7. adopt common grounds for reviewing and assessing knowledge in higher education,
8. deliver opinion to initiatives for the establishment of higher education and research institutions,
9. deliver opinion to initiatives about the transformation of professional colleges to faculties,
10. adopt self-evaluation reports,
11. adopt criteria and procedures for the elections to titles for teachers, scientific staff and higher education staff,
12. appoint members of commissions and working bodies of the University Senate,
13. adopt criteria for the recognition of significant artistic works when electing teachers of artistic disciplines,
14. connect and coordinate research work by the members of the University,
15. adopt criteria for assessing the quality and orientation aimed at improving scientific and research, artistic and educational work by the members,
16. adopt the University research work programme,
17. adopt study calendar,
18. on the proposal by a member senate elect higher education teachers and scientific staff to the titles of full professor, research counsellor and research and development counsellor,
19. give consent to the University members prior to the first election to title or election to a higher title for higher education teachers and scientific staff, save full professors, research counsellors and research and development counsellors; for the University Senate this task shall be performed by the commission for election to titles,
20. decide about awarding honorary doctorates and the title “distinguished professor”,
21. decide about the withdrawal of the academic title of the doctor of science,
22. deliver opinions concerning the candidates for rectors and prorectors,
23. appoint the commission and decide about the recognition of diplomas obtained abroad in cases, laid down by law,
24. discuss and decide about the opinions of the University student council within its sphere of competence,
25. perform other tasks when laid down by law, this Statute of Act or establishing the University. Decisions by the senate with financial or business consequences and all other business decisions are subject to previously obtained consent from the management board.