International collaborations
Through study programs in various educational and scientific fields, the university is integrated into European and broader international higher education spaces by promoting student and faculty exchanges with partner universities abroad, implementing joint study programs with them through transnational higher education formats, and participating in international scientific projects. We are open to all forms of international collaborations, including exchanges, partnerships, research, and more. If you have suggestions for collaboration, feel free to contact us, and we would be happy to further develop the idea.
Address: Delpinova ulica 18 b, 5000 Nova Gorica / Mestni trg 23, 1000 Ljubljana
Contact: international@nova-uni.si
New University
PIC code: 906996270
OID code: E10256013
Erasmus ID code: SI NOVA-GO07
Erasmus University Charter: Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2021-2027
Erasmus Policy Statement: Statement on Erasmus Policy